Fuck It, Bucket.
The "Fuck It, Bucket" is a groundbreaking comedy show fueled entirely by audience prompts, delivering unfiltered, on-the-spot humor with no pre-written material.
As you enter the venue, you'll find slips of paper and pens waiting for you. Get ready to unleash your wildest thoughts, clever prompts, and zany ideas. Once you've penned down your prompts, drop them into our legendary “Fuck It, Bucket." From random words and phrases to bizarre scenarios and quirky questions, anything goes!
Our lineup of talented comedians is up for the challenge! Each performer will take the stage for a 10-minute set, but there's a twist—they have no pre-written material. Instead, they'll reach into the bucket, pull out a prompt, and make up their set on the spot. Watch as these quick-witted comedians turn your suggestions into comedy gold, navigating the unpredictable landscape of improvised humor.With a rotating cast of comedians, every show is a fresh and unique experience, filled with spontaneous jokes, unexpected punchlines, and plenty of laughter. Whether you're a fan of stand-up, improv, or just love a good laugh, Fuck It, Bucket is the perfect night out.Join us for an evening where the crowd becomes the muse, and the comedians become masters of the moment. Who knows? Your prompt might just inspire the next big joke!
Join The Mailing List
AUGUST 21, 2024
Think you have one it takes to survive the Fuck It, Bucket?
We'd love to hear from you.This is a paying show for comedians. If you are interested in participating in the show, please fill out the form below (and someone will get back to you shortly).Note: Submitting this form does not guarantee you a spot on the show.